for life and transitioning.
Click here to view a video about End of Life from Barbara & Sue
Death for Dummies...
all the teachings will enhance your LIFE
because it's about life not death!!
You have to learn to do everything...even to die. – Gertrude Stein
Barbara Slaine and Sue Broudy
With Barbara Slaine & Sue Broudy
End of Life Consultants and Certified Doulas
"Death holds the power to intensify life. It can either be the impetus to live life fully, or the grinding force that wears us down till it eventually claims us." - The Seer Almine
Classes will be held via Zoom
May 17th 2pm - 6pm
PRACTICALITY: Includes The Five Wishes, legal and comfort options: a living will, end-of-life directives, health care proxy information, and more. Vigil and legacy planning will be addressed.
PARTICIPATION: Focuses on the body in transition; Active Listening, Anointment Oils, and the importance of sound including: music, chanting, and the spoken word. Energy Modalities Reiki and holding space are discussed.
Space is limited to 15, sign up now and really start to LIVE.
Barbara Slaine is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Barbara Slaine's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 17, 2020 02:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 9405 8170
Password: 018476
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Meeting ID: 868 9405 8170
Password: 018476
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Often, a lack of planning can result in chaos and a loss of valuable resources at this most precious time to unite with your loved ones. The stressors of waiting until the last moment to know what to do or how to proceed can be avoided. Your death has a ripple effect for your entire family and can become a gift if done consciously, and we can help with this beautiful subject. This information is not only timely, it is a subject we all have in common, and know on some level we can help others and ourselves in a significant way.
Please email Barbara to reserve your space: