Join our Sangha meditation group
(Sangha means community or assembly for good)
The first and third Monday of the month.
August 2nd & 16th @ 7pm
Our wisdom can change the world. How do we have an enlightened society or a peaceful world if individuals are stuck in a fixed mind? When we connect to our big mind and big heart, we know about our basic goodness. We can then manifest and co-create a culture where people care for themselves and care for each other.
Meditation is where it begins and ends, and when we meditate as a group the energy that we create is exponential and ripples out into the collective.
We will be guided before hand with either a reading, or crystal bowls, or a chant, or a call to place our focus in service for somewhere else that needs assistance. We will allow the energies to flow in, around and through. Energy knows no boundaries.
Thank you for your participation in this important work, for yourself first and foremost, and for all of humanity. Yes, it is possible. Hare, Haray, Harree – I am healing, I am healed, I am healer.
Barbara and Sue have worked together holding space for those in need, those in transition, for healing, for grace and absolute love. They are both trained Reiki Masters and Certified End of Life Doulas (which is all about living life). Barbara’s latest film project will open many doors to the hearts and healing of those incarcerated across the country. Visit Sue’s latest Sound Healing practice takes her to many unusual places to help move and align stuck energy. Sue is also a children’s book scribe, see her latest books at
RSVP, limited to 8 .
Please call or email Barbara to reserve your space:
203.912.2791 or