Smarter Use of Smart Devices:
Blue Light, Wi-Fi & Sleep
Tuesday, May 3rd @ 7:30 PM
For thousands of years, we lived grounded on the earth, in-sync with the rhythms of sunrise, sunset and the seasons. Our bodies were naturally in-tune with and nourished by the earth’s energies and cycles.
Today we live in highly electrified and wireless environments, spending endless hours interacting with our phones, computers and devices, giving little thought as to how this technology impacts our bodies and sleep.
Terri of, is trained in “Building Biology”, which is the study of evaluating and remediating health hazards in our built environments. The aim of building biology is to create healthier living and workspaces.
She will discuss the following topics and offer easy solutions to “green” your homes and offices:
— what are EMFs and how do they affect us?
— how the blue light of screens & LED bulbs affects our eyes & sleep
— how electricity & wireless signals can affect our bodies
— what’s “grounding” and its benefits
— tips for improved computer and sleep environments
Barbara Slaine is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Barbara Slaine's Zoom Meeting
Time: May 3, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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